A unity utilities library
Namespaces | |
namespace | Editor |
namespace | Internal |
Classes | |
class | ButtonAttribute |
Attach this button to a method to make it clickable in the inspector. This attribute will also draw parameters if it can. More... | |
class | CustomNameAttribute |
Change the name of a parameter in the inspector More... | |
class | ResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiverAttribute |
Receive a call when the play mode has been changed in a resource. Can be used to reset some data of a resource More... | |
interface | IResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiver |
This interface is optional but it gives all the methods for ResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiverAttribute> More... | |
class | RequiredAttribute |
When an UnityEngine.Object reference has not been set, show a big warning More... | |
class | SerializeInterfaceAttribute |
Restrict the UnityEngine.Object field to extend a certain interface More... | |
class | ShowWhenAttribute |
Hide a field if the condition does not match, allows checks for bools, ints, floats & strings More... | |
class | TypeSelectorAttribute |
Show a dropdown for all classes that extend the field's type. Requires SerializeReference attribute to function correctly More... | |
class | UneditableAttribute |
Disable writing for this property in the editor More... | |
class | UnpackAttribute |
Displays the given type in the inspector as if it isn't a different object. Useful for Unity DOTS baker workflow More... | |
class | BillboardCamera |
Bill-boarding component which allows for advanced anchoring and other behaviours More... | |
class | DontDestroyOnLoad |
Runs the DDOL function on this gameobject, this is a more declerative way to mark an object for DDOL More... | |
class | DestroyObjectAfterKilled |
Destroys the targetted gameobject when the attached HealthComponent died More... | |
class | HealthComponent |
A simple yet versatile HealthComponent implementation that uses SendMessage to send its heal & damage events More... | |
interface | IDamageEvent |
Used to create more detailed damage events More... | |
interface | IHealEvent |
Used to create more detailed heal events More... | |
struct | SimpleDamageEvent |
Light simple implementation for the IDamageEvent More... | |
struct | SimpleHealEvent |
Light simple implementation for the IHealEvent More... | |
class | ObjectPool |
A simple implementation for an object pool More... | |
class | ObjectPoolManager |
Makes it easier to work with object pools More... | |
class | PoolItem |
A behaviour that is used with the ObjectPool. Other behaviours can listen to the events this class sends. More... | |
class | SpawnPoolItemAfterDestroyed |
Spawn an object using ObjectPoolManager after the game object was disabled / destroyed or the pool item was sent back to the object pool More... | |
class | SpawnPoolItemAfterEnabled |
Spawn an object using ObjectPoolManager after the game object was enalbed / created or the pool item was sent into action More... | |
class | CoroutineCatcher |
Wrapper for troublesome coroutines More... | |
class | Coroutines |
Make coroutines run on the JUtilsObject More... | |
class | Routines |
A static class that contains methods for easily creating routines & avoid object allocations More... | |
struct | MinMax |
A struct with a custom editor which can be used to get a minimum and a maximum value, handy for random values & clamping More... | |
struct | MinMaxInt |
A struct with a custom editor which can be used to get a minimum and a maximum value, handy for random values & clamping More... | |
struct | Optional |
A struct useful for showing in the inspector if the value is optional, and does not have to be set. Also allows for quicker checks if the value is set More... | |
class | RangeExtensions |
Used to turn a range or int to a RangeEnumerator so it can be used in a Foreach loop More... | |
class | RangeEnumerator |
Allows for complex enumerations for Range types More... | |
struct | SceneReference |
Reference a scene via its asset instead of its name. It can also give suggestions based on it being null / not in build More... | |
class | SerializableDictionary |
A dictionary of which the values do not get lost on serialization More... | |
struct | SerializableGuid |
A lightweight guid class that can be serialized More... | |
struct | SerializableType |
Serialize a System.Type Object More... | |
interface | IWeighted |
A interface that helps with weighted randomness WeightedExtensions More... | |
struct | Weighted |
A struct that makes it easier to work with weighted randomness
| |
class | BaseEventChannel |
The base class for an simple event channel More... | |
class | BaseEventListener |
The base class for event channel based listeners. Recommended for UI or if the GO only has one event listener, otherwise consider using the BaseEventChannel<T> directly More... | |
class | BoolEventChannel |
class | BoolEventListener |
class | EventChannel |
class | EventChannelExtensions |
Useful extensions for dealing with BaseEventChannel<T>> More... | |
class | EventListener |
class | FloatEventChannel |
class | FloatEventListener |
class | IntEventChannel |
class | IntEventListener |
class | LongEventChannel |
class | LongEventListener |
class | UIntEventChannel |
class | UIntEventListener |
class | ULongEventChannel |
class | ULongEventListener |
class | AudioListenerExtensions |
Adds extensions for the AudioSource component More... | |
class | CollectionExtensions |
class | ColorExtensions |
Gives threshold comparing functions for Colors More... | |
class | ComponentExtensions |
Useful extensions for working with components More... | |
class | Enumerable |
Extensions for Enumerates More... | |
class | TransformExtensions |
Some useful extensions to transforms More... | |
class | UnityObjectExtensions |
class | Vector2Extensions |
class | Vector3Extensions |
class | WeightedExtensions |
Contains helper functions for working with Weighted Randomness More... | |
class | AssemblyJUtils |
Utilities class working with assemblies More... | |
class | GizmoUtils |
Some shorthand functions for drawing things with Hanldes More... | |
interface | IService |
class | ServiceManager |
A simple service manager More... | |
class | AutoSingletonBehaviour |
Your simple and everyday singleton class that automatically instantiates if there is no instance yet More... | |
interface | ISingleton |
Simple interface for working with singletons More... | |
class | MultitonBehaviour |
A MonoBehaviour where you can easily access all of its instances More... | |
class | SingletonBehaviour |
Your simple and everyday singleton class More... | |
class | SingletonManager |
Centralized singleton to fix reference & hot reload issues issues More... | |
class | State |
A simple state that can be driven by stateMachine More... | |
class | StateData |
The data of a state More... | |
class | StateMachine |
A mono behaviour state-machine that can also be used as a state More... | |
struct | StateRef |
Empty structure used to help with typesafety More... | |