A unity utilities library
JUtils Namespace Reference


namespace  Editor
namespace  Internal


class  ButtonAttribute
 Attach this button to a method to make it clickable in the inspector. This attribute will also draw parameters if it can. More...
class  CustomNameAttribute
 Change the name of a parameter in the inspector More...
class  ResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiverAttribute
 Receive a call when the play mode has been changed in a resource. Can be used to reset some data of a resource More...
interface  IResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiver
 This interface is optional but it gives all the methods for ResourcePlayModeChangeCallbackReceiverAttribute> More...
class  RequiredAttribute
 When an UnityEngine.Object reference has not been set, show a big warning More...
class  SerializeInterfaceAttribute
 Restrict the UnityEngine.Object field to extend a certain interface More...
class  ShowWhenAttribute
 Hide a field if the condition does not match, allows checks for bools, ints, floats & strings More...
class  TypeSelectorAttribute
 Show a dropdown for all classes that extend the field's type. Requires SerializeReference attribute to function correctly More...
class  UneditableAttribute
 Disable writing for this property in the editor More...
class  UnpackAttribute
 Displays the given type in the inspector as if it isn't a different object. Useful for Unity DOTS baker workflow More...
class  BillboardCamera
 Bill-boarding component which allows for advanced anchoring and other behaviours More...
class  DontDestroyOnLoad
 Runs the DDOL function on this gameobject, this is a more declerative way to mark an object for DDOL More...
class  DestroyObjectAfterKilled
 Destroys the targetted gameobject when the attached HealthComponent died More...
class  HealthComponent
 A simple yet versatile HealthComponent implementation that uses SendMessage to send its heal & damage events More...
interface  IDamageEvent
 Used to create more detailed damage events More...
interface  IHealEvent
 Used to create more detailed heal events More...
struct  SimpleDamageEvent
 Light simple implementation for the IDamageEvent More...
struct  SimpleHealEvent
 Light simple implementation for the IHealEvent More...
class  ObjectPool
 A simple implementation for an object pool More...
class  ObjectPoolManager
 Makes it easier to work with object pools More...
class  PoolItem
 A behaviour that is used with the ObjectPool. Other behaviours can listen to the events this class sends. More...
class  SpawnPoolItemAfterDestroyed
 Spawn an object using ObjectPoolManager after the game object was disabled / destroyed or the pool item was sent back to the object pool More...
class  SpawnPoolItemAfterEnabled
 Spawn an object using ObjectPoolManager after the game object was enalbed / created or the pool item was sent into action More...
class  CoroutineCatcher
 Wrapper for troublesome coroutines More...
class  Coroutines
 Make coroutines run on the JUtilsObject More...
class  Routines
 A static class that contains methods for easily creating routines & avoid object allocations More...
struct  MinMax
 A struct with a custom editor which can be used to get a minimum and a maximum value, handy for random values & clamping More...
struct  MinMaxInt
 A struct with a custom editor which can be used to get a minimum and a maximum value, handy for random values & clamping More...
struct  Optional
 A struct useful for showing in the inspector if the value is optional, and does not have to be set. Also allows for quicker checks if the value is set More...
class  RangeExtensions
 Used to turn a range or int to a RangeEnumerator so it can be used in a Foreach loop More...
class  RangeEnumerator
 Allows for complex enumerations for Range types More...
struct  SceneReference
 Reference a scene via its asset instead of its name. It can also give suggestions based on it being null / not in build More...
class  SerializableDictionary
 A dictionary of which the values do not get lost on serialization More...
struct  SerializableGuid
 A lightweight guid class that can be serialized More...
struct  SerializableType
 Serialize a System.Type Object More...
interface  IWeighted
 A interface that helps with weighted randomness WeightedExtensions More...
struct  Weighted
 A struct that makes it easier to work with weighted randomness

See also
class  BaseEventChannel
 The base class for an simple event channel More...
class  BaseEventListener
 The base class for event channel based listeners. Recommended for UI or if the GO only has one event listener, otherwise consider using the BaseEventChannel<T> directly More...
class  BoolEventChannel
class  BoolEventListener
class  EventChannel
class  EventChannelExtensions
 Useful extensions for dealing with BaseEventChannel<T>> More...
class  EventListener
class  FloatEventChannel
class  FloatEventListener
class  IntEventChannel
class  IntEventListener
class  LongEventChannel
class  LongEventListener
class  UIntEventChannel
class  UIntEventListener
class  ULongEventChannel
class  ULongEventListener
class  AudioListenerExtensions
 Adds extensions for the AudioSource component More...
class  CollectionExtensions
class  ColorExtensions
 Gives threshold comparing functions for Colors More...
class  ComponentExtensions
 Useful extensions for working with components More...
class  Enumerable
 Extensions for Enumerates More...
class  TransformExtensions
 Some useful extensions to transforms More...
class  UnityObjectExtensions
class  Vector2Extensions
class  Vector3Extensions
class  WeightedExtensions
 Contains helper functions for working with Weighted Randomness More...
class  AssemblyJUtils
 Utilities class working with assemblies More...
class  GizmoUtils
 Some shorthand functions for drawing things with Hanldes More...
interface  IService
class  ServiceManager
 A simple service manager More...
class  AutoSingletonBehaviour
 Your simple and everyday singleton class that automatically instantiates if there is no instance yet More...
interface  ISingleton
 Simple interface for working with singletons More...
class  MultitonBehaviour
 A MonoBehaviour where you can easily access all of its instances More...
class  SingletonBehaviour
 Your simple and everyday singleton class More...
class  SingletonManager
 Centralized singleton to fix reference & hot reload issues issues More...
class  State
 A simple state that can be driven by stateMachine More...
class  StateData
 The data of a state More...
class  StateMachine
 A mono behaviour state-machine that can also be used as a state More...
struct  StateRef
 Empty structure used to help with typesafety More...